
Win32 app installed desktop shortcut with no custom icon

I’m installing a desktop shortcut to all my endpoints.  I’m installing it as a win32 app with this script.


#Create directory to hold icon file and copy file there
New-Item -Path “c:” -Name “scut” -ItemType “directory” -Force
Copy-Item “S:ShortcutsUKGi.ico” -Destination “c:scutUKGi.ico”

#Shortcut creation and specify settings
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject (“WScript.Shell”)
$ShortCut = $Shell.CreateShortcut(“C:userspublicdesktopUKG Time.lnk”)
$ShortCut.TargetPath=”———————————————- “
#$Shortcut.Arguments=”———————————————- “
$ShortCut.IconLocation = “c:scutUKGi.ico”;
$ShortCut.Description = “UKG Time”;


I already have a s: drive mapped to all my endpoints and I’m creating a folder on the c: drive of the destination pcs.  I’m copying the ico file from the mapped drive to the c: drive then installing the shortcut.  The desktop shortcut is created just fine.  I just don’t get the custom icon.  The install behavior is via system.  I went into the app and added the custom icon jpg as the logo of the app itself.  Still no luck with the custom icon.  Any suggestions?  

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