Code injection attacks using publicly disclosed ASP.NET machine keys

In December 2024, Microsoft Threat Intelligence observed limited activity by an unattributed threat actor using a publicly available, static ASP.NET machine key to inject malicious code and deliver the Godzilla post-exploitation framework. In the course of investigating, remediating, and building protections against this activity, we observed an insecure practice whereby developers have incorporated various publicly…


Hear from Microsoft Security experts at these top cybersecurity events in 2025

Inspiration can spark in an instant when you’re at a conference. Perhaps you discover a new tool during a keynote that could save you hours of time. Or maybe a peer shares a story over coffee that makes you rethink an approach. One conversation, one session, or one event could give you fresh ideas, renewed…


3 priorities for adopting proactive identity and access security in 2025

If 2024 taught us anything, it’s that a proactive, no-compromises approach to security is essential for 2025 and beyond. Nation-states and advanced cybercriminals are making significant investments in infrastructure and automation to intensify familiar cyberattack patterns; password attacks, for example, escalated from 579 incidents per second in 20211 to 7,000 in 2024.2 These groups are…


Fast-track generative AI security with Microsoft Purview

As a data security global black belt, I help organizations secure AI solutions. They are concerned about data oversharing, data leaks, compliance, and other potential risks. Microsoft Purview is Microsoft’s solution for securing and governing data in generative AI. I’m often asked how long it takes to deploy Microsoft Purview. The answer depends on the…


New Star Blizzard spear-phishing campaign targets WhatsApp accounts

In mid-November 2024, Microsoft Threat Intelligence observed the Russian threat actor we track as Star Blizzard sending their typical targets spear-phishing messages, this time offering the supposed opportunity to join a WhatsApp group. This is the first time we have identified a shift in Star Blizzard’s longstanding tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to leverage a…


Innovating in line with the European Union’s AI Act 

As our Microsoft AI Tour reached Brussels, Paris, and Berlin toward the end of last year, we met with European organizations that were energized by the possibilities of our latest AI technologies and engaged in deployment projects. They were also alert to the fact that 2025 is the year that key obligations under the European Union’s AI…


Analyzing CVE-2024-44243, a macOS System Integrity Protection bypass through kernel extensions

Microsoft Threat Intelligence discovered a new macOS vulnerability that could allow attackers to bypass Apple’s System Integrity Protection (SIP) in macOS by loading third party kernel extensions. SIP is a security technology that restricts the performance of operations that may compromise system integrity; thus, a SIP bypass affects the overall security of the operating system….


3 takeaways from red teaming 100 generative AI products

Microsoft’s AI red team is excited to share our whitepaper, “Lessons from Red Teaming 100 Generative AI Products.” The AI red team was formed in 2018 to address the growing landscape of AI safety and security risks. Since then, we have expanded the scope and scale of our work significantly. We are one of the…


Why security teams rely on Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR for managed detection and response

The expanding attack surface is creating more opportunities for exploitation and adding to the pressure on security leaders and teams. Increasingly, organizations are investing in managed detection and response services (MDR) to bolster their security operations center (SOC) and meet the challenge. Demand is growing rapidly: according to Frost & Sullivan, the market for MDR…


New Microsoft guidance for the CISA Zero Trust Maturity Model

The Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Zero Trust Maturity Model (ZTMM) assists agencies in development of their Zero Trust strategies and continued evolution of their implementation plans. In April of 2024, we released Microsoft guidance for the Department of Defense Zero Trust Strategy. And now, we are excited to share new Microsoft Guidance for CISA…